
Sunday, 21 October 2012

Bye Bye Baby!

So a sad day - i'm selling off baby stuff, including the moses basket. I bought this from a NCT pre-loved sale (after much elbowing!) and recovered it with a patchwork of lovely neutral fabrics and both my babes have spent many restful nights tucked in it. Its now been outgrown so I'm hoping someone else will find good use for it!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Count down to Christmas

I've gone for a contemporary approach to my advent calendars with no obvious Christmas-y fabrics but lots of gorgeous designs and colours.

The first has a red and white polka dot background with pockets made from red, white and blue Scandinavian folk inspired fabric pockets, the numbers are made with felt.

This calendar has another Scandinivain inspired fabric as its backing with matching and complementing pockets - picking out the gorgeous bright colours.

This is a very girly calendar with  beautiful bird in a hedgerow fabric to form the background. Fabrics for the pockets include two Liberty prints and the numbers are made from soft pink felt.

The final calendar uses more boy friendly fabrics. The super soft green flannel sets off the pockets which includes the irresistible Rascal Rockets!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Super Finn!

As Finn is finally getting into dressing up we went for a superhero costume for his 3rd birthday. Super Finn's super powers are still to manifest themselves!

I used templates from Martha Stewarts website for the the thunderbolt and 'F' and guidelines for the cape. I used polysatin from the wonderful Rolls n Reams in Lewisham as it had just the right swish. Having successfully used Bondaweb for the first time on the cape, I bought a plain top from H&M and added Super Finn's insignia to the front.

The mask is made in the same way as the super heroes and animal masks I made previously.  I designed my own shape and added a miniature thunderbolt and 'F' to finish it off.

Finn just needs to be able to fly now!