
Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Sophie's Scrappy Quilt

It seems so long since I did any sewing and more importantly sewing for me ;) so I used the excuse of changing Sophie's pram to pushchair as a reason to make a new quilt for her.

I sat with a big bag of scraps and started sewing them together - it only took a little while before I had enough blocks that I could iron and sew together that made a lovely quilt front.

I even used a whole heap of scrap wadding to make the middle - it didn't look pretty but you're not going to see it and as its going to be used in the pushchair she won't feel any seams.

I used some fabric left over from making the backing of another quilt - a lovely soft grey and scrap white fabric to make the binding.

So there it is - it took me a weekend and no new fabrics! I'm pretty pleased with it and I'm sure Sophie is too, although she's not showing it!

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