
Monday, 16 December 2013

Sneaky Peek!

I don't think I'm spoiling the festive spirit by sharing a gift I've made for Sophie - she has yet to work out how to browse blogs yet (play games on the iPad - yes!). I also wanted to share something as its been so long since last time, mainly as I've been busy on another Christmas gift that I'm not sharing until its been opened and my other projects have been curtains - not that exciting!

So this is one of Sophie's gifts - a lovely dress-up tutu!

I followed the instructions in the wonderful 'Little Things to Sew' from Oliver + S - a book i've been waiting to use for ages!

I know these tutus often retail for £30 - £40 in frou frou shops but a first ever trip to Goldhawk Road resulted in all the tulle and ribbon i needed with change from a tenner!

I chose a mix of tulle in gold, yellow and pinks with the gold being the top layer so that it has a warm, soft pink haze effect. The grosgrain ribbon is 1 1/2in wide and draws it together perfectly.

The best thing, it took no time at all to make and will last for a while - and then I'll just make another one!

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